Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finally some SNOW

Growing up on the West side of the mountains was great for many reasons, however we never got much snow. Consequently, whenever that white, wet, fluffy stuff started coming down from the sky, my sisters and I would be playing in it in a matter of minutes fully dressed in our mis-matched gloves and snow suits. The snow was always very wet and sticky being that it was probably barely freezing outside and IF the snow actually started accumulating we would be making snow men and snow forts as quickly as the snow would add up (much to our mother's dismay her beautiful yard never stood a chance of looking like a winter-wonderland). So on Wednesday when the snow finally came to Royal, I was beyond excited to take Bronson out into it. That is... until I took him outside. It was probably 22 degrees outside with a wind chill that made it feel more like 5 degrees and the snow was coming down, although in very small particles, with an angry agenda to fly right into our eyes. Hmmm... not exactly what I had in mind for my little 2 year old.
Bronson was not quite sure about the extremely cold conditions. We lasted about 5 minutes outside.
After our failed attempt to enjoy the snow, we decided to come back inside. Then another idea popped into my head! My dad used to bring home those flavored syrups for Italian Soda's whenever it would snow so we could make our own snow cones. I called Jeremy and asked him to pick up a flavor of his choice on his way home from work so we could make a special treat with Bronson when he woke up from his nap. In the mean time, we settled for just eating plain snow. Bronson really loved it and told me over and over again "this is very good snow mommy, this is very yummy". Ahhhhhh, simple pleasures :)
I was a bit skeptic at first because the snow was pure powder, but once we  brought it inside it started to melt to the perfect consistency.
Love the little smirk on his face while he eats his snow.   Its like he thinks he's getting away with something.  :)
It continued to snow all day Thursday with the same biting cold, windy conditions. On Friday, we were hoping for warmer "snow-playing" weather but it just didn't happen that way. In fact, we ended up getting some of the freezing rain that took the power from some 300,000+ people in Western Washington!! Not fun. Still, we were determined to play in the snow on Saturday morning! No substantial wind, a sky full of sun, plus daddy being around created the perfect scenario for a fun snow walk extravaganza. The snow, mind you, had a layer of crusty, crunchy, icy snow on top of it now, but we still managed to have a good time :)
Broson and Jeremy in the old shed behind our house
Bronson thought it was the coolest thing to take these chunks of snow , throw them and watch them shatter into  a million pieces. This world is full of so many wonders!!! :)
Jeremy's attempt at making a snow angel in the crunchy stuff... and there is our little house in the background, blending into its white surroundings.
Then Jeremy had the brilliant idea of doing a double man snow angel. They both thought it was pretty funny
It ended up looking like a 7 ft alien made a snow angel.
Although we didn't end up sledding OR making a snow man OR making a snow fort, we still had a good time and those activities remain in the agenda, hopefully to be done this weekend :) On a completely unrelated note, I am 34 weeks pregnant and quickly approaching week 35.  I spent the better half of my sleepless night feeling her shift positions and wedge herself somewhere on top of my bladder and my sciatic nerve, lol. Needless to say, the effect of her movements were not the most pleasant. Oh the joys of the 3rd trimester. I showed Bronson the marks that the elastic on my pants made on my belly and he said "oh thats a owie on Averi"... So I'm pretty sure he thinks "Averi" is just another name for mommy's belly... Oh you have another thing coming  little man!

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