So I had a doctor's appointment on Monday morning. We were so excited going into it because we were starting off the appointment with an ultra-sound and Bronson was with us so he was going to get to see his little sister for the first time. Since week 28 baby girl has been sitting breech but a week ago she woke me up in the middle of the night with some serious moving and I was convinced she put herself in the right position. So the ultra-sound verified she indeed is in the perfect position to come out the way we want her lets just hope she stays that way! But her face was turned toward my spine and the tech was unable to get any face pictures, bummer :( After he finished all the measurements we headed over to see my Doctor and he informed us of a few things. First of all, I apparently have a short cervix. My cervix is thinning out as it should be, and maybe just a little faster than average but because of its short length, things could happen quicker than we want them to at 35 weeks. Also, baby is sitting very low and putting lots of pressure on my cervix, to a point where whenever I stand for more than 5 minutes I start getting Braxton Hicks contractions. They also discovered that my amniotic fluid levels are lower than they'd like them to be, giving some concern for a drop in baby's heart rate. So based on all the factors, the doctor decided it'd be best to put me on bed rest :( I want what is best for the baby, but its just a little overwhelming considering I have an active 2 year old, a busy husband and a huge to-do list to accomplish BEFORE baby gets here. I know this will all pass quickly and soon I'll be complaining about being sleep-deprived, but I just thought I'd give an update to friends and family :)
Here's another new interesting development. Lately Bronson has been very particular about the things I wear. He does not want to see me wearing anything that Daddy might wear. For example, sweatshirts and sweatpants are completely out of the question...He immediately tells me to take it off and will run into my room and find something much more appropriate! He is very into categorizing what girls do and what boys do. He came home from spending the morning at work with Daddy and when he saw me he burst out "mommy, you're so cute! you're a cute girl!!" Ahhhh, flattery will get you EVERYWHERE. What a smart boy he's turning out to be ;) Sorry, no pictures with this post. I will make up for it in the next one.
Wow I can't believe you're 35 weeks! She will be here so soon. Sorry about the bed rest. I couldn't handle it if I wasn't allowed to wear sweats!! :) What a funny little guy.