Thursday, January 19, 2012

Starting a blog??!! YEP!

Well we finally caved and decided to hop on the blogging band wagon :) It almost becomes too hard to resist when you start having kids, and being that we are just weeks away from bringing our second child into the world, the urge to blog our simple little lives has finally won. Wish me luck because I don't know how consistent I will be with this thing. I have this strange tendency to resist things once I start feeling pressured or obligated to do them (even when they are my own personal endeavors) so hopefully this whole blog will become something I look forward to on a regular basis. You would think, as a stay at home mom I would have loads of free time, especially a stay at home mom who is generally camped out in her house out in the country where the closest mall is over an hour away... not so. I have yet to mention that our son, Bronson, is 2 years and 4 months old. The "two's" have brought about a different side of our sweet little boy ;) I have been constantly reminded over the last 6 months that I may have missed the boat on the necessary "child training" that could have helped eliminate the amounts of "discipline" we seem to be relying on these days. Needless to say, training your kid to be a "good boy", making sure he is well fed, well rested, working on his mental, social and physical development, visiting family & friends hours away, keeping the house (and i use this term very loosely) "clean", grocery shopping & menu planning, meal making, endless amounts of laundry (with a currently broken washing machine) doctor's appointments, family time & personal time can become very time-consuming and exhausting on an 8+ month pregnant lady. Luckily, I married the world's most involved dad and although his job as a field man for a local chemical & fertilizer company can become very time consuming in the spring, summer and fall, it does allow him to be home very often during the winter months. Well I feel like this has been enough of an intro and maybe with my next posting I will give more of a weekly update, those are much more interesting. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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